Experience the Art of Herbal Energetics
with Kat Maier
Herbs are more than their properties—they carry an energetic signature that influences the body in profound ways. In this live, free training, Kat Maier, author of Energetic Herbalism, will guide you through the foundational principles of herbal energetics, helping you recognize patterns of imbalance and match plants to body systems with confidence. Rooted in Vitalism, Ayurveda, and Chinese medicine, Kat’s approach offers a practical yet deeply intuitive way to work with herbs. Whether you're just starting your herbal journey or looking to refine your understanding, this session will expand your perspective and provide real-world applications you can use right away.
Meet Your Teacher

Kat Maier
RH (AHG).PA, Founder & Director of Sacred Plant Traditions, LLC
Kat Maier, RH (AHG).PA has been a practicing herbalist for over thirty years. She is founder and director of Sacred Plant Traditions, LLC in Charlottesville, VA where she offers a Three-Year Clinical Herbalist training program as well as a multitude of other classes geared to all levels of students. SPT’s free clinic was one of the first on the east coast and is revered as a a model for other programs. She served as President of the Board of United Plant Savers Board and was the recipient of their first Medicinal Plant Conservation Award. As an international teacher, Kat travels to conferences and serves as guest clinician/ staff at other herb schools. As a Peace Corps volunteer in Chile coupled with her training as a Physician’s Assistant, she is able to weave the language of biomedicine with traditional energetic systems. She is a founding member of Botanica Mobile Clinic, which offers support to mental health and at-risk community members at no cost. She is co-author of Bush Medicine of San Salvador Island, Bahamas and author of Energetic Herbalism: A Guide to Sacred Plant Traditions Integrating Elements of Vitalism, Ayurveda, and Chinese Medicine. This book won the Gold Medal Nautilus Award in 2022.

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